Market Pricing: From Pains to Process

Aired on:
October 8, 2024
11 AM
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Many Total Rewards leaders are heading into the most arduous part of merit cycle season: pricing (or repricing) their compensation bands. Limited team resources, data ‘rollercoasters’, and constant justification can leave compensation teams desperate for a better way. Join Andrea De Ville, Strategic Community Lead at Pave, in conversation with Evan Salisbury, Head of Total Rewards at Ancestry, and Kaylyn Reid, Head of Total Rewards & Analytics at GoFundMe, as they tackle key pricing pain points and share the strategies helping their businesses save time and resources, and ultimately build trust with the business.

Market Pricing: From Pains to Process



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Pave is the only end-to-end compensation management platform that helps companies plan, communicate, and benchmark compensation in real-time. Powered by integrations, Pave makes it easier for People leaders to build and execute best-in-class compensation strategies to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

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