How to Get Global Compensation Right

Aired on:
September 21, 2023
10am PT / 1pm ET
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With the rise of distributed work over the past three years and the increased cost of hiring top talent in tech-centers (like San Francisco, New York, and London), companies are expanding their employee bases globally. Businesses that don’t hire globally now risk falling behind in the race for top talent, or overpaying for talent in expensive locations. However, it’s hard to get international employee compensation right. Without accurate benchmarks, organizations defer to using cost of living data, unverified sources, or guesswork, resulting in costly mistakes that mitigate the benefits of hiring globally. Pave is here to help!

What You'll Learn

  • Avoid the common pitfalls that companies make when setting compensation for international employees
  • Globalize compensation bands according to best practices 
  • Confidently set compensation for international employees with the help of products like Pave


Gerald Lou
Compensation Consultant
Lou Consulting
Katie Rovelstad
Benchmarking Operations
Zack Smetana
Product Manager

Pave is the only end-to-end compensation management platform that helps companies plan, communicate, and benchmark compensation in real-time. Powered by integrations, Pave makes it easier for People leaders to build and execute best-in-class compensation strategies to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

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