How to Navigate Today’s 3 Big Compensation Challenges

Aired on:
September 27, 2023
10am PT / 1pm ET
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There are three big challenges that many compensation leaders are facing right now: equity dilution, pay transparency, and effectively communicating the value of compensation to employees. We assembled a panel of experts to share helpful advice. Learn how to navigate these challenges from Angela Rao, Director of Total Rewards at Drata, Rahim Bhayani, Field Compensation Advisory at Elastic, Renee Gardner, VP of Global Compensation at Snowflake, and Matt Schulman, CEO of Pave.

What You'll Learn

  • The challenges of managing equity dilution and creative approaches for addressing it.
  • Pay transparency: What have we learned in the first years of transparency law legislation? And what comes next?
  • How to explain the total value of employee compensation to managers and employees in a way that resonates and builds trust—especially ahead of upcoming merit cycles.


Rahim Bhayani
Field Compensation Advisory
Renee Gardner
Vice President of Global Compensation
Angela Rao
Director of Total Rewards
Matt Schulman
Founder and CEO

Pave is the only end-to-end compensation management platform that helps companies plan, communicate, and benchmark compensation in real-time. Powered by integrations, Pave makes it easier for People leaders to build and execute best-in-class compensation strategies to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

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