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Announcing Pave’s Ebook, Competitive Compensation: Build a Comp Strategy That Attracts, Rewards & Retains Top Talent

March 23, 2022
min read
Pave Team

You’ve heard about The Great Resignation, or the wave of employees quitting their jobs since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We like to think of it as The Great Transition; in 2021 alone, 38 million people in the U.S. left their jobs — whether to take up new ones, start their own businesses, or take time off. 

To make matters more interesting, people who are leaving their jobs in pursuit of new ones have plenty of options, as startups have experienced unprecedented growth in the last couple of years.

Venture capital funding is at an all-time high, and hyper-growth companies are doing what they can, like establishing flexible work policies or expanding their benefits offerings, to attract and successfully close on top talent seeking a better work-life balance. 

It’s certainly an exciting time for jobseekers. 

But it's also an incredible time moment for people operations.

Human resources teams have a rare opportunity to adapt to this trend, overhaul their philosophies and processes to reflect this new normal — especially around compensation, which jobseekers continue to rate as one of the most important considerations to make when contemplating a job change. 

At Pave, we’re on a mission to make compensation transparent, accurate and fair for all 3.5 billion people who are part of the global employment world. We’ve had the privilege of helping companies like Dropbox, Shopify, Discord, Reddit and AllBirds plan, communicate, and benchmark their compensation in real time, without spreadsheets. 

At a time when compensation can be your competitive advantage, we wrote a new ebook to show you how to best design and communicate a compensation strategy that is built on transparency, stands out, and helps you retain your best employees. Presenting:

Competitive Compensation: How to Build a Compensation Strategy That Attracts, Rewards & Retains Top Talent

Inside, you'll learn how to:

*Codify a unique and scalable compensation philosophy
*Build a timeline for making compensation changes
*Create a benefits program that reflects your company values
*Communicate your compensation strategy across the organization

Whether you’re a founder who’s just starting to build out your team, or an HR leader committed to creating a compensation strategy for your whole company, we wrote this guide to help you keep "comp" at the center of your competitive edge.‍

Download the full guide here.

Learn more about Pave’s end-to-end compensation platform
Pave Team
Pave Team
Pave is a world-class team committed to unlocking a labor market built on trust. Our mission is to build confidence in every compensation decision.

Become a compensation expert with the latest insights powered by Pave.

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