Connecting Performance and Compensation: How to Have an Effective Conversation

Aired on:
November 15, 2023
10am PT / 1pm ET
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One of the most important parts of a merit cycle is the conversation managers have with their employees about compensation and how their performance factors into it. And, it’s one of the hardest to get right. Without a clear plan, these conversations can make both managers and employees anxious. Which leads to damaging mistakes leaving employees feeling unappreciated and overworked. In this webinar, we sit down with leaders from Culture Amp and Pave to discuss managing effective compensation and performance conversations. With these tactics in place both managers and employees will leave the next performance review satisfied.

What You'll Learn

  • How to enable your managers to have productive compensation and performance conversations
  • Pointers for smaller merit increases due to tighter budgets, even when performance is high
  • How Pave and Culture Amp’s solutions work together to connect the dots between performance and compensation



Chanai Vaznonis
Lead People Scientist
Culture Amp
Dana Paul
People Operations Lead

Pave is the only end-to-end compensation management platform that helps companies plan, communicate, and benchmark compensation in real-time. Powered by integrations, Pave makes it easier for People leaders to build and execute best-in-class compensation strategies to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.


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